Google Index Checker

Google Index Checker

About Google Index Checker

The Google index checker is an online tool that allows you to check whether a specific URL is indexed by Google or not. Google's index is essentially a database of all the web pages that Google has crawled and deemed to be relevant and valuable to its users. Being indexed by Google is important because it means that your web page is visible in Google search results and can drive organic traffic to your website.

To use this tool:

  1. Go to the Google index checker page.
  2. Enter the URL of the web page you want to check in the text box.
  3. Click on the "Check Indexing" button.
  4. The tool will retrieve the indexing status of the URL from Google and display it on the page.

The tool provides a simple way to check the indexing status of a web page and ensure that it is visible in Google search results. If the URL is not indexed, there may be several reasons for this, such as crawl errors, low-quality content, or technical issues with your website. In such cases, you can take steps to address the issues and resubmit your web page to Google for indexing.


When Should You Use It?

You should use the "Google Index Checker" tool when you want to check whether a specific web page on your website or another website is indexed by Google or not. Here are some scenarios where you might want to use this tool:

  1. New web pages: If you have recently published a new web page on your website, you can use the "Google Index Checker" tool to check whether it has been indexed by Google yet. If it hasn't, you can take steps to ensure that Google crawls and indexes the page, such as submitting the page to Google through the Search Console.

  2. Website updates: If you have made significant updates to your website, such as changing the structure or content of your pages, you can use the "Google Index Checker" tool to check whether Google has crawled and indexed the changes. If Google has not yet indexed the updates, you can take steps to ensure that the changes are crawled and indexed, such as submitting an updated sitemap to Google.

  3. Competitor analysis: If you want to analyze the SEO strategy of your competitors, you can use the "Google Index Checker" tool to check which web pages on their website are indexed by Google. This can give you insights into their content strategy, keyword targeting, and overall SEO performance.

Overall, the "Google Index Checker" tool can be a useful tool for website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals who want to ensure that their web pages are visible in Google search results and optimize their SEO strategy for better visibility and traffic.

Let's try our Google index checker tool & report to us if you found any errors.


Vikas Kumar


A young entrepreneur who is managing multiple blogs and tools websites related to digital marketing & technology. I love trying new things in the digital world and sharing my knowledge with others.